Wellness Champions offers participants options for residential care in homes that are comfortable, safe, and well maintained. In the community living group home model, not more than 4 participants live in homes licensed by Office of Health Care Quality(OHCQ). These homes are owned or leased by Wellness Champions and are located in DDA Central Maryland Region. Wellness Champions conducts continuous inspections, ongoing maintenance, and any upgrades needed on the properties to keep them in good condition.
Staff Training Requirement:
Wellness Champions shall ensure availability of staffing necessary for the community group home residential model. All staff working with the participants as residential care staff:
- Must be at least 18 years old and have at least a GED or High School Diploma.
- Pass a criminal background check.
- Have current certifications and trainings required by DDA – First Aid, CPR, CMT by Maryland Board of Nursing and CNA (where necessary), DDA trainings, MANDT Certification, Refreshers and Updates.
- Complete necessary pre/in-service training based on the Person-Centered Plan
- A valid driver’s license and auto insurance.
- Staff training shall be ongoing with supportive documentation, which shall become a part of the employee file.